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Find the Right College:  Ask these questions before you choose a dental assistant or medical assistant school.

Perhaps you’ve decided on a career path, but aren’t sure which dental assistant program or medical assistant program is right for you. Every student has different needs and preferences when it comes to their college experience. It can be difficult to decide which college to attend; however there are certain factors that can help you determine where you’ll be most successful and happy.

Ask yourself the following questions:
• Does the college offer a strong dental assisting program and/or medical assisting program?
• What types of certifications are offered?
• How much does it cost? Is it within my budget?
• Are there scholarship or financial aid opportunities?
• How many people attend the college? How big are the typical class sizes?
• Who teaches the classes? Are they professors, teaching assistants, and faculty with previous experience in my field?
• Where is the college located? Is it convenient to where I live? Is transportation an issue?
• What extras does the college offer? Is there a dedicated library? Computer labs? Career center?
• Does the college help students with career planning and finding dental assisting jobs and medical assisting jobs after graduation?
• What percentage of graduates find medical assistant jobs or dental assistant jobs?

After you’ve determined that all of the above factors are a fit, perhaps the most important question to ask yourself is: Does it feel right? Consider a visit at our Louisville, KY or Lexington, KY campus visit to meet faculty, staff and other students. This will give you terrific insight into whether or not you will feel good about your choice in the long term.

Remember, if you’re struggling with your decision, don’t be afraid to ask for help!
The admissions counselors at MedQuest College are happy to answer any of your questions and help you make the right decision for your own personal college success.

Contact a MedQuest College admissions counselor today.   Request More Information