Career Services
Before and after graduation, we are here to guide you
MedQuest College Career Services
All students of MedQuest College will participate in a course on professional development prior to externship. For Medical Assisting, Dental Assisting, Sonography, Veterinary Technology, Dental Hygiene, and Medical Equipment Repair Technology the course is referred to as Career Development. For Practical Nursing it is referred to as Transition to Professional Practice. During this course each student will learn how to write a resume that will include:
- Personal summary
- Previous work history
- Education background
- Licensures obtained
- Certifications earned
- Awards granted
This completed resume is part of the student’s portfolio that is created during the professional development course. Professional portfolios include other documents such as: copies of awards and certificates if available, IMPACT participation, and even a letter of reference if the student has obtained one.
During these courses the Director of Career Services (DCS) will guide students through creating a professional portfolio as well as assist the student with preparing a 30-60 second personal pitch that can be use while on interviews with prospective employers. Students are then required to participate in a mock interview with the DCS which is used as part of the students grade in the professional development course. During the mock interview students will:
- Dress in interview style attire
- Provide a copy of their professional portfolio
- Recite their practiced, personal pitch
- And ask prepared questions
Because of MedQuest’s commitment to student success, the Career Services department will assist each student in securing employment in their field. The DCS works hard to develop and maintain strong partnerships with local, reputable employers who seek out MedQuest graduates for employment needs. Even after the student has graduated the career services department is available to assist the student in finding employment…for a lifetime!
MedQuest wants to make sure that each student is provided with any and all information needed to be successful in their career. Another way this is done is through Lunch and Learn events. The Career Services department coordinates with local employers, alumni, and even hiring managers to find a topic relevant to the current students. Topics of discussion range from How A Company Operates and The Professionalism Sought Out When Hiring to Tips And Advice From A 15 Year Veteran In The Field. The best part of all…Lunch is provided!
If you would like to learn more about our career services department and how it works with your program, schedule a tour of our campus or request more information today.