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MedQuest College

Scholarships & Grants for Our Kentucky Students

Tuition Assistance at MedQuest College


Scholarships are financial awards for students based on need, academic excellence or unique criteria. Large organizations often raise money to support students pursuing academic programs in practically every field of study. This money might help alleviate financial stress for students working or raising a family by helping to pay the coast of tuition, books or other fees. Below is a non-exhaustive list of academic scholarships and grants for your consideration.

Be sure to visit this page often in order to learn about possible financial assistance opportunities available to you as a student at MedQuest College in Louisville or Lexington, Kentucky. Be sure to research these items carefully as there may be highly specific application requirements. If you have any questions regarding this information, please call your campus Financial Aid Coordinator.spanic National Bar Association. The website provides more details on partnerships and scholarships.

Future Care Scholarship

Tylenol awards 40 students each year who have demonstrated a commitment to academic excellence, community service or the pursuit of a career that involves patient care.

F.A. Davis Nursing Scholarship

F.A. Davis is dedicated to developing teaching and learning solutions that meet the needs of nursing and health science students, educators, and practitioners. To stay committed to our goal of shaping the future of nursing and health science education, F.A. Davis is proud to offer annual scholarships to support those aspiring to work in healthcare.

Why Does Education Matter To you?

Interested students must write a short answer to the question, “What would you say to someone who thinks education doesn’t matter, or that college is a waste of time and money?” and submit through the linked portal.

Outstanding Student or Financial Need Award

There are two awards offered to students studying to become a Medical Assistant. One award is based on financial need. The other award is for student excellence and must be coordinated with an instructor or program director. Additional awards are offered as part of an annual writing contest sponsored by the AMT. 

Dental Assisting Scholarships

American Dental Assistants Association recognizes the efforts of students pursing an education as a Dental Assistant. There are multiple scholarships and grants available, each with different eligibility requirements. 

Women’s Independence Scholarship Program

Women who are survivors of domestic abuse and/or single mothers in financial need are eligible to apply for this award.

Student Caregiver Scholarships

Students Caregivers are becoming more numerous as the population ages and viable careers open up in this field. Any student pursuing a career in care is and/or working as a Caregiver are eligible to apply.

JumpStart Scholarship

This scholarship is open to all 10th-12th graders and is based on merit. There is a personal statement portion of the application, in which students must demonstrate not only their writing ability, but also their commitment to academic goals.

Migrant Scholarship

Eleven different scholarships specific to migrant students are administered by this group, making it easier for students of varied backgrounds and interests to find a suitable application.

The Osmosis Raise the Line Scholarship

Raise the Line is about strengthening our healthcare systems.  A key solution: Increasing global healthcare capacity by training more people in medicine, thus “Raising the Line” of quality, accessible healthcare. There are six scholarships—one $5,000.00 USD award and five individual $1,000.00 USD awards—to selected students pursuing a degree in medicine, nursing, or other health science-related degrees.

Additional Financial Assistance Options

  • UNIGO and Fastweb are online scholarship networks that allow you to create a profile before being matched with scholarships and grants for which you are eligible. This service is free to use and saves you the time of searching for individual awards.
  • Scholly allows users to quickly connect with matching scholarships from their smartphone via an easy-to-use app. If portability and accessibility are important to you, we encourage you to seek out software like this to aid you in your search. 
  • Southwest Airlines partners with many different organizations to make scholarships available to minority groups. These partners include the Latin American Education Foundation, the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, and the Hispanic National Bar Association. The website provides more details on partnerships and scholarships.