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Thinking about becoming a medical assistant? Here are the top factors you should look for in good medical assistant schools in Kentucky!

One of the first things you should look for when choosing a medical assistant school is accreditation and reputation. Choose a school that is accredited with relevant authorities, as a certificate from a medical program without one will do little for your career. Accreditations from ABHES institutions are highly respected throughout the country. Reputation of the school is equally important because it adds weight to your degree and can provide an edge over other medical assistants in-training.

When choosing a medical assistant program, you should also be sure to research the success rate of their graduates. Use your social network to see if anyone you know has been through the program and research the career placement department. Any good program has an excellent career placement department that provides you with access to potential employers in your area. Without a quality job placement department, you’re left looking for jobs on your own, but a good medical school would train you as well as help you land a solid position.

Our programs in Frankford and Louisville, Kentucky have a great reputation, accreditations, and an excellent career placement department. Be sure to consider our medical assistant school in Kentucky if you think this might be the right path for you.